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Find a Goat to Adopt Here!

  • Find photos of goats for adoption near you. Read profiles of goats' personalities.
  • Give a healthy goat a home. Why buy a goat for sale when you can adopt?
  • Use Search Saver. We will e-mail you when we find a goat in your area for adoption.
This pet-saving service is funded by the passionate pet lovers at

What to Consider Before Adopting a Goat


So, you've decided to adopt a goat! Many people don't realize that there are wonderful goats for adoption in some animal shelters, and there are even animal rescue organizations that specialize in goat adoption. Goats make terrific pets--they're fun, playful, and very smart--but you'll need to make sure yours is the right home for a goat, and that a goat (or, more accurately, goats. They're herd animals and happiest in groups) is right for your home as well.

Before adopting a goat, here are a few things to consider:

  • Goats need land on which to roam and graze. They also love to climb and jump, and should be afforded adequate opportunity for this. However, because they're such good jumpers and climbers, you'll need to make sure you have secure, high fencing.
  • Goats also require dry, safe shelter, and should be confined at night for their safety.
  • Goats have special veterinary maintenance requirements, so make sure to do your research! For instance, did you know that goats need to have their hooves trimmed once a month? They also need to be treated regularly for parasites. Before you adopt a goat, make sure you've found a veterinarian in your area who is comfortable with treating goats--not every veterinarian is able to do so.
  • Some plants are poisonous to goats (for example, wild cherry, hemlock, and azaleas are all deadly), so careful monitoring of your land and removal of any toxic plants is key.
  • Of course, like all animals, goats have specific nutritional requirements. If you're adopting a goat from a goat rescue organization, they will provide you with guidelines and tips for feeding and all of the other elements of goat care. If you're adopting from a public animal shelter that doesn't specialize in goats, you'll probably have to do your own research. Luckily, there are tons of resources online to help you. Google "goat care" or "how to care for a goat" to get started!

We wish you all the best in your quest to adopt a goat. Remember, you can search for a goat to adopt using the tools at the top of the page. Make sure you enter your email address in the "Search Saver" field so you can be notified whenever a new adoptable goat in your area is added to Thank you for adopting, and for giving a deserving goat a wonderful new life. We know it will be a rewarding experience for you, too!