Posted over 3 years ago | Updated over 2 months ago
Will you check yes to Juliette?
This princess bun was being bullied by a cat in her previous home, so she was surrendered to the Southampton Animal Shelter.
Anxious and afraid when she first arrived, LIRRG found a foster home available for her. Since then, Juliette has bloomed into her beautiful self. While still shy, she’s incredibly curious and playful when around those she trusts. Bring out her stacking cups, and she’ll give you a demonstration of how to properly throw them around.
Let her come to you, and she’ll give you attention with sniffs and nose bumps.
If Juliette were a human: Jane Goodall
Will you check yes to Juliette?
This princess bun was being bullied by a cat in her previous home, so she was surrendered to the Southampton Animal Shelter.
Anxious and afraid when she first arrived, LIRRG found a foster home available for her. Since then, Juliette has bloomed into her beautiful self. While still shy, she’s incredibly curious and playful when around those she trusts. Bring out her stacking cups, and she’ll give you a demonstration of how to properly throw them around.
Let her come to you, and she’ll give you attention with sniffs and nose bumps.
If Juliette were a human: Jane Goodall