Adopt A Norwegian Forest Cat

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Adopting a Norwegian Forest Cat

Frequently asked questions about acquiring an Norwegian Forest Cat - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.

It costs around $75 to $100 to adopt a Norwegian Forest Cat. Conversely, it can be prohibitively expensive to buy a Norwegian Forest Cat from a breeder, somewhere in the $600 to $1,200 range.

The easiest way to adopt a Norwegian Forest Cat would be through a rescue that specializes in Norwegian Forest Cats. A great place to start is by starting a breed search on Adopt a Pet. The search will show you all the available Norwegian Forest Cats in your area.

Norwegian Forest Cat fun facts

Fun Facts:

The Norwegian Forest Cat is the real life inspiration behind the legend of the skogkatt (translates to forest cat). The skogkatt was believed to be a "fairy cat" and was beloved by the Norse goddess of love and beauty.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is the national cat of Norway.

Norwegian Forest Cats are undeniably impressive climbers, and can easily stroll down a tree head-first.

Norwegian Forest Cat hero photo

Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Guide

Before you adopt, learn everything about Norwegian Forest Cat types to temperament and health issues to popular Norwegian Forest Cat mixes in our Breed 101 Guides.