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Promote Adoption! Pet of the Day!
Create a featured 'pet of the day' display on your website! Just select a size, select a background, and fill in a zip/postal code for your area, and we'll give you the HTML code to display the pet of the day! You can also add standard banner links or a pet search box to your web page.
Step 1: Select Dimensions
Step 2: Select Background
Select one of these three static background options.


Select a custom background color that matches your website.
Custom Color:
Click in the color box on the right to
select your custom background color.
Step 3: Select Location
Zip / Postal Code:
Step 4: Preview
Here is the Pet of the Day display you created.

Step 5: Copy Code

Just click in the text area below and copy the code to your clipboard, then paste it into your web page to start promoting adoptable pets in your area!