Adopt A Great Pyrenees

12 available Great Pyrenees near you

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Adopting a Great Pyrenees

Frequently asked questions about acquiring an Great Pyrenees - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.

Adopting a Great Pyrenees from a rescue organization or animal shelter can range from $100 to $500. You can expect to pay between $500 and $2,000 on average for a Great Pyrenees puppy from a reputable breeder.

The easiest way to adopt a Great Pyrenees is through a breed-specific rescue organization that specializes in them. You can also look for Great Pyrenees at local animal shelters. A great place to start is creating a breed search on Adopt a Pet. The search will show you all the available Great Pyrenees and Great Pyrenees mixes in your area.

Great Pyrenees fun facts

Fun Facts:

In 2016, a Great Pyrenees was elected as mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota for the THIRD time in a row.

Fossils of the Great Pyrenees breed have been found dating back to the Bronze Age.

Great Pyrenees were used to protect enormous swathes of farmland in the Roman Empire.

Great Pyrenees hero photo

Great Pyrenees Breed Guide

Before you adopt, learn everything about Great Pyrenees types to temperament and health issues to popular Great Pyrenees mixes in our Breed 101 Guides.